“ Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think. ”
-Albert Einstein
Dear Parents and Children
At the very outset, I would like to thank you for the phenomenal support and patronage you have accor ded to our school. It has encouraged and motivated us to do even more for a quality education of your child.
Our journey on the path of excellence has just begun as has the journey of your loved one. Together, we have to achieve many a milestones in the years to come. I strongly believe that the journey will be quite adventurous, eventful and fruitful. It will be a journey of discovery of Truth and Self both for us and our students and I am confident that our vision, mission and core values, together with your best wishes and God’s love and care will light our path and take us closer and closer to our goals!
Our team of dedicated, experienced, trained and passionate teachers led by a principal will navigate the ship of our school .
Your suggestion for improvement in our policies and programmes are most welcome!